BYU Radio Interview on Microfarming for Profit

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In this interview (click the play button above), I’m quizzed by the very talented Julie Rose of BYU Radio in one of the best Q&A sessions ever. She starts off the interview:

Guest: Dave DeWitt, an accomplished chile pepper farmer and author of more than fifty books including Microfarming for Profit.

I find myself, at the moment, with a glut of salad greens. Not being much of a gardener, a friend suggested I start with something easy. It’s gone much better than I expected and now I’m burdened with way more kale, spinach, arugula and red leaf lettuce than I can possibly consume. After giving bags of it away, I’ve found myself wondering, could I wander down to the farmer’s market and make a little money with my harvest? People do. But it’s not easy to turn a profit. For those with the fortitude and free time, Dave DeWitt has written a how-to-guide entitled Microfarming for Profit: From Garden to Glory.