What happened. It all started here. After I was discharged from Lovelace UNM Rehabilitation Hospital after treatment for my stroke, I was using a cane to get around, which proved to be my undoing. I tripped over the cane and fell onto our saltillo tile floor, fracturing my left femur just below the ball joint of my hip. Back to Lovelace! For three weeks. It’s a great hospital, but hardly a resort. After a metal rod in my leg and intensive therapy, I was released January 3rd, using a walker to get around, which is a lot safer than a cane. I should be healed in about five weeks from today.
Back to “normal.” I am resuming my blog posts, my weekly email newsletter, and my 5-martini executive lunches (just kidding). I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, but in 2020, I’m going to focus on improving the quality of my reading material. I tend to get stuck in the thriller/mystery/police procedurals rut, but I noticed that the best books I read in 2019 were of a distinctly higher quality.
This was my favorite, with no violence, just an intriguing story about a Russian political prisoner who is sentenced never to leave a hotel in Moscow. I could not stop reading it. Next was a phantasmagorical, quasi-historical tale of a real railroad carrying slaves north through a series of tunnels! What a great story!
Finally, my favorite nonfiction book, The Fall of Japan. Everyone thinks WW2 ended immediately after we dropped the A-Bombs. Not so–it was a lot more complicated than that. A fascinating read! I’m going to try to find more books like these for 2020.
I’m Baaaack!