On February 8, 2022, archaeologist Jennifer Raff published her book Origin through her publisher Twelve, an imprint of the Hachette Book Group. It is 369 pages long in hardcover and costs $39.89. The Kindle ebook costs $14.99. Since then, at least seven “summaries” of her book appeared on Amazon. They are:
SUMMARY: ORIGIN: A Genetic History of the Americas by Jennifer Raff
by Richard Plemons | Feb 10, 2022
Summary of Origin by Jennifer Raff: A Genetic History of the Americas
by Quick Reads | Feb 11, 2022
SUMMARY Of Jennifer Raff Origin: A Genetic History of the Americas
by James Harry | Feb 13, 2022
Summary of Origin by Jennifer Raff: A Genetic History of the Americas
by Brief Experts | Feb 13, 2022
Summary of Origin By Jennifer Raff : A Genetic History of the Americas
by Justin Reese | Feb 16, 2022
Summary of Origin: A Genetic History of the Americas: A Quick-Read
by Jessica Raff by Jessica Mantle | Feb 18, 2022
by RUNNY MURRAY | Feb 20, 2022
The summaries are typically 25 pages long and cost $7.99 in paperback and $2.99 in Kindle. Does this seem fishy to you? Does it seem that these summary authors are trying to make a quick buck off of Jennifer’s work and ideas? As an author, if this happened to me, I’d hire a copyright attorney and sue all of them–and Amazon–for conspiracy to infringe my copyright. And, I feel sorry for Jennifer Raff. If ever there were a case of literary gang rape, this is it. Sorry for the vulgar analogy, but that’s how I feel. Feedback is welcome.