Kimchi Culture: The Cult of the Cabbage

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Kimchi Making


Richard Sterling

Richard Sterling

Our Asian correspondent, Richard Sterling, reports from Korea and writes poetically about its kimchi. “It is the stuff of ancient legend, and even of poetry. Songs are sung of it, odes penned, memories and meals made complete by it. Unless you dine only in fast food restaurants and hotel coffee shops it will be your most enduring gustatory memory of Korea. Kimchi is the great culinary constant of Korean daily life, that sine qua non without which the domestic culture would find itself bereft. It is often called Korean sauerkraut.  And pickled cabbage it may be, but it is sauerkraut raised to the Nth degree, in a process that imbues the humble cabbage with the last possible iota of gastronomic pleasure.” Read Richard’s report on kimchi here.