Bad Blood is a book that should be read by every business person anywhere. It’s not only educational, it’s humbling. Despite nearly unlimited funding, these people couldn’t make a success out of a flawed business plan.
Review of Black Flags, Blue Waters
The colonies of America loved the pirates because they spent money–lots of it–to replenish their ships, buying food, liquor, clothing, sailing gear (like lines and anchors) while they stayed and dined at inns, dallied with prostitutes, and bribed government officials.
Review of 1941: The Year Germany Lost the War
Besides being an egomaniac and a mass murderer, [Hitler] had at least one other character flaw: he was stupid.
Barnum: The Serial Entrepreneur
“You beat me sky-high, for wherever I went…the constant inquiry was, Do you know Barnum?’”
“A Field of Ruins;” Review of The Liberation of Paris
If he defied Hitler and did not destroy Paris before the Allies arrived, his family of a wife and three children living in Baden Baden would fall under the rule of Sippenhaft–they would be punished for his failure to obey orders and could possibly be executed.