There are currently 20 of my titles available, with more to come.
Have Your Soil Tested, Part 2
This post continues the story about the buildup of salts in my garden soil that drastically reduced yields of tomatoes and peppers.
I Tour a Medical Marijuana Facility
My friend Ethan is the “cook,” “baker,” and “candy maker” at a medical marijuana facility in Albuquerque. In other words, he makes the edibles. Ethan commented, “Right now I make about 15 different sweet products not including the several products in the developing stage. I also have an extensive list of savory products to add to our menu as well … Read More
The Spectacle of Winter Birding
This gigantic swarm of European starlings can turn together as if under divine control.
Three New Books of Mine Debut at Show This Weekend
I have three new books out, and Don’s Books in the main show lobby will be selling them.